
Occoquan Bible Church (Woodbridge, Virginia)

In September 2015, the Lord moved our family to Occoquan Bible Church. Since then, I have been the regular preaching pastor at OBC. In that time, I along with my fellow elders have preached a regular diet of Old Testament and New Testament books. In addition, we have explored various doctrinal and practical themes. You can see all of these below.

Old Testament

New Testament


Calvary Baptist Church (Seymour, Indiana)

From July 2009 to February 2015 I had the joy of pastoring Calvary Baptist Church in Seymour, Indiana. During those years I preached expositional sermons from the Old and New Testaments, along with a number of topical series that approached subjects like marriage, family, and the church with expositions from various passages.

Below you can find links to many of the sermons (audio/manuscript). May God use them to grow you in grace and the knowledge of God our Savior.

Old Testament

New Testament



9 thoughts on “Sermons

  1. Pingback: Genesis 1:26-28: An Introduction to the Image of God (Sermon Audio) | Via Emmaus

  2. Pingback: Genesis 1:27: God’s View of Gender (Sermon Audio) | Via Emmaus

  3. Pingback: Sermon Audio: God’s Design for Marriage and Sex | Via Emmaus

  4. Pingback: Sermon Audio: Deviation from God’s Design (Romans 1:16-32) | Via Emmaus

  5. Pingback: Sermon Audio: The Great Exchange: How Jesus’ Life Trades Places with Our Death (John 11) | Via Emmaus

  6. Pingback: Why Non-Pastors Should Read the Pastoral Epistles | Via Emmaus

  7. I am a retired pastor in middle ga. I don’t know how I found your web page but I have throughly enjoyed the reading. I pastored for forty five years and my tenure at my last church was thirty and a half years. God has Bennie more than good to me. I now spend my time in supply work and serving where ever I can. I would like to visit your church the next time I travel north. Please send the address of the church. I will be traveling to New Hamshire in July for a wedding. My wife and I have decided to make it a vacation, so maybe we can visit during that time. If not maybe another time. I am also a retired superintendent of schools. Your brother in Christ, Dr. Daniel. lndaniel Lndaniel

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